The building blocks


Our Recovery was conceived through extensive lived experience consultation and qualitative research of people living well with pain or in recovery. The model draws on an evidence based framework, that is successful in supporting behaviour change and yet to be applied to pain care. This framework is adapted to the pain care context using co-design and participatory processes. To build on this, Our Recovery embeds lived experience insights into every stage of the project, and all levels of governance. We are excited about how we are creating this, as well as what we are creating! Here is a little overview of the building blocks:


Our Recovery believes in the power of lived experience insights. We see a source of untapped wisdom in peoples’ reflections and practices – lived experience insight.


A safe and structured community for people to make sense of their pain experiences and share valuable insights. In our community people can build the internal resources that enable self-care, and support others to do the same. It is this support and internal resources that will sustain long-term behaviour change and improve quality of life.


Using an evidence-based framework and peer-driven online community, people in pain can connect with trained peer coaches, the fellowship program and resources grounded in collective insights.


Our Recovery community lives online through a gated portal. Inside the gate, our community guidelines ensure safety and connection. Facilitated video fellowship meetings, peer coaches and resources will all be accessed through the platform. As Our Recovery grows, the vision is to start running community gatherings in local communities across Australia. Gates opening soon!


This community is for anyone who identifies with having a pain experience. This can be any kind of pain, of any frequency or duration. It is for people who are open to learning how to better support themselves while also being supported by a community.

More about Our Recovery:

A structured and trauma-aware approach builds safety and confidence to create connection. The framework supports development of self-awareness, self-efficacy, and motivation to engage in self-care behaviours, while avoiding advice-giving or clinical treatment discourse.

Our Recovery uses social innovation principles to build the peer workforce by creating pathways to meaningful contributions within the initiative, and opportunities to build a sense of purpose in a way that is accessible for people in pain. Our Recovery offers a sustainable, scalable solution that provides accessible community support for people in pain.

This is a fellowship for personal and collective change!

Angie Clerc-Hawke is Our Recovery Founder. She has a pain lived experience, coupled with experience/training in medical science, population health and education. When we talk about pain, we are referring to all sorts of pain; chronic pain, persistent pain, ongoing pain, episodic pain, recurring pain… any pain that impacts your life.

Angie Clerc-Hawke